
STORM is a Simulation TOol for Real time Multiprocessor scheduling. From the specification of the characteristics of a software architecture (the tasks to schedule), a hardware architecture (the resources for implementing these tasks) and the choice of a scheduling policy, the tool simulates the execution of these tasks on these resources according to the rules of this policy.


Trampoline is an open source RTOS which, once certified, could be compliant with the OSEK/VDX specification. Currently it is not the case, so while Trampoline has the same API as OSEK/VDX, it is not officially compliant. Trampoline is available under the GNU Lesser General Public License V2


GALGAS is a compiler generator based upon Attributes Grammars. It handles LL(1), SLR and LR(1) grammars. Semantics is expressed by a dedicaced language.


Time Petri Nets

Roméo is a software studio for Time Petri Net analysis, developed in the Real-Time Systems Team at IRCCyN . It performs analysis on T-Time Petri nets and on one of their extension to scheduling.


Harmless stands for Hardware ARchitecture Modeling Language for Embedded Software Simulation. The tool associated to the langage generates automatically a simulator of a processor from its description. Harmless can be used to describe both the instruction set of a processor (to generate functional simulators) and the micro-architecture part to add timing information.

This page contains some Cocoa samples projects, written in Objective-C and built with XCode. No support is provided, I assume you are a developper and you known how using it. You can freely use this code and add it in your projects, if you find it useful.


CLEOPATRE has been designed as a patch attached to Linux via RTAI. It integrates innovating functionalities mainly as regards timing fault- tolerance, real-time scheduling and resource management, able to jointly cope with periodic and aperiodic tasks, critical and non-critical tasks.
Cross Compilers for Mac OS X


For some of my software (as galgas), I needed to built a multi platform distribution package, including executable for Windows and i386 Linux. As I mainly work on Macintosh, I have decided to built GCC cross compilers for Windows and i386 Linux.

Time Petri Nets

LLbox is a tool developped in the Real-Time Systems team of the french laboratory IRCCyN. Its goal is to realize proofs of linear logic sequents that correspond to scenarii in Time Petri Nets.
Last news:
Storm designer guide
2 septembre 2009 - 15:54
Available the designer guide 3.3 for storm. Learn how to write your own scheduler.
26 août 2009 - 14:30
A presentation of Trampoline will be done during the 10th Libre Software Meeting that will be held in Nantes from 7 to 11 July. Check the abstract. Here is the corresponding session program